Three teacher’s manuals full of playful tasks and a children’s storybook for the Clean Tisza River!
5in1 book - Folyómentők kézikönyve
The Riversavers' Handbook is to arouse the interest of as many children and adults as possible in rivers and the living creatures that live in them, and to raise a new, river-friendly generation that lives in harmony with its environment.

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5in1 book - Hulladék Újraélesztési Útmutató
In the Waste Resurrection Guide, we follow the path of the waste generated in our home and in our immediate environment, so that the new generation, educated in waste matters, contributes less pollution to the environment, including rivers.​​

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5in1 book - MÜMÜ könyv
The River Litter Lab is all about plastics and how to recycle them. Easy to follow instructions on how to grind, melt and form plastics from the households or the river.

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5in1 book - Petkalóz Hajónapló
In this storybook for small children, Captain Plastix and his friends go through a lot of adventures and of course, clean up seas and rivers wherever they go.

Download:    English